A ship named 'Storm'

n a game of imagination, the forest trees become a fleet of ships, and the children become seafarers

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From the pitfalls of life

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How Ponek gained fame

Human relations are the basis of success

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It is not a shame to make a mistake - the rules of life

Fear of making mistakes prevents experimentation, dampens challenges and blocks learning and development (save for Prof. Rafi Carso)

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Contrary to popular opinion - women are human beings

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At the carpenter's

What makes a person happy?

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You are like that and I am like that

Even in moments of insult and anger - respectful, honest and open discourse helps in creating good relationships

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in the meadow

Transparency builds credibility and trust

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Childhood loneliness

There are many sides to loneliness

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Two childhood friends meet after the many years have taken each to a place in life

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building a fort

Division of roles, participation and hard work in building the fort for the joint play of all the children of the summer camp

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Man's fate is left to chance

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Satan's Synagogue

Sharp criticism of the functioning of the light rail in Warsaw

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When a student is not good at school - there is a reason to talk

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Not funny at all

Crocodile tears - alienation and inaction wrapped in the veil of so-called emotional care and apparent enlightenment.

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in holiday jackets

About social behavior and the truth behind it

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The housing problem

There is nothing new under the sun

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At the summer camp - noise in the sleeping hall

About taking responsibility

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At the summer camp - two trials

At the summer camp, fifth chapter - on the member court

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In praise of effort and perseverance - the rules of life

Thought, effort and constant labor increase the value of knowledge

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In the abyss

Criticism of the effectiveness of incarceration as punishment

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The decent person

The price of standing up for justice and of giving up justice

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The reasonable person

In praise of the stability and security at the base of grayness

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Humanity is awakening

No one can stop the human struggle for freedom, independence and rights

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The blonde, the policeman and the rickshaw puller

On fairness, fairness and human dignity

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The boys go to visit the girls

On the experience of the meeting and the children's discourse. In: Yozeks, Ishaks and Franks. The camp stories, chapter six

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the lounge

How the capitalist society was born in the mind of a saboteur

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Children are ...

About choosing to ignore facts and beautify reality instead of changing it

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Let's clean up!

Sloppy - and good for him.

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The millionaire

if I was rotshild...

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Our exhibitors

Think before you act

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the maids

A cynical, critical and sarcastic description of the society's accepted attitude towards housekeepers

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The philanthropists

Criticism of philanthropists' considerations in choosing the goals of their donations

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The boy who "swallows" books

From "The Glory", chapter five. On the character of an autodidact

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Miss Adela

On one of the motives of philanthropy

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last evening

Love is reflected in the little things

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the readings

Organizing children for voluntary activity in the community

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The Moon Adventure

People in the moonlight are the same people who were in the sunlight

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the questions

You will wonder about the society's critical attitude towards its members

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The interrupted song

Human love - what is it?

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Between study, education and education

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my alarm clock

Humans hate waking up

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The eccentric man

What amuses and makes one laugh may hurt another from: "Mosques, mosques and sleeves" - in the summer camp, chapter 17

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This could be your way

The danger of losing independent thinking alongside an exemplary figure

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The bird lover

A single caged bird is fine

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visiting leave

The last of friends and the loneliness of an old man

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Youthful beatings. From: The Confession of a Butterfly

A teenage boy's stormy reflections on love, learning and life

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Financial Education

Children should be taught the value of money from an early age

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five stones

Man is the pattern of his childhood landscape

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For innocent people the world can be a very confusing place

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Children of the Bible - Moses, chapter 3

The shared truth is created from the sum of personal truths

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Children of the Bible - Moses, chapter 12

Does leadership depend on appearance?

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Children are human beings

Education can nurture what is in a person, but not fundamentally change him

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Yendrek the village boy

What a child can learn on his own if only he is free to do so

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Here are games - do not disturb

A game is a complex and meaningful event that must be respected and not interrupted

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The reflections of an elderly man

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know how to live

Proven and not necessarily recommended methods to win the boss's attention

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Lose with dignity - the rules of life

For a successful game you need a good friend, inspiration and a feeling that you are free

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Introduction to the story

Immigration - the dream and the price

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Appearance of understanding gives a person power and influence over others

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fortune teller

People's future is determined by their education and by their actions and conduct in the present

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Tower of Babel

Even when the language is shared - humans do not have a common language

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Why people pray?

Different reasons for praying

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From the series "Wonderful Events"

Instead of benefiting and nurturing the world he is responsible for - man harms and destroys every good part.

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human thought

We do not know according to which laws the thought of a child - of a person - is governed

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My clever thoughts - the nose

It is difficult to mend a person's ways. That is why decent people are required for tolerance and empathy

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My clever thoughts - serve

about distorted priorities

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My clever thoughts - Electric Lighting

Choosing concealment instead of exposing indecent acts and changing behavior

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Who lived in 1902?

What does it mean to "live the life"?

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The diary of a 9-year-old boy

A 9-year-old boy writes his thoughts, dreams and plans, and his 12-year-old tutor responds.

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Across the sea

A house is much more than four walls and a roof

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A stupid act

About workplace corruption

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Repairing and reuniting relationships will never make things right

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A tested prescription for building houses from sand

About the process of building houses from sand. In: Yozeks, Ishaks and Franks - Chapter Five

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The flower trial

What is the judgment of children who, instead of returning in time for a meal, went to pick flowers? From - "Mosques, mosques and sleeves" - chapter 5

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From the draw of Dacagant

When a bored person looks for thrills under the lamp

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The soul of a capitalist

Money dumbfounds the world

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When life and art mix

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Ending (or: how Valdak became famous)

A dream that came true differently than we imagined - is still a dream that came true.

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A human need for recognition and appreciation as the basis for a meaningful life

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The children's help

Duty as involvement, time management and education for partnership and public responsibility

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Christmas tree for the little one

The maturing of a teenager in a poor family is expressed in his taking on a role and relates responsibility

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sad or bad?

How to talk so that children will listen, or an abusive child is not necessarily a bad child

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Blind loyalty and disillusionment

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A human look at a criminal

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Who is the real criminal - the thief who stole or the one who allowed a child to live on no terms

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The Belzia affair

Who's right? Exercise in judgment

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A boy is a boy is a boy...

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At the summer camp, Chapter 12

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The voice of Moses - the voice of the Promised Land

About slavery and liberty and on free will

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Philanthropy courses for women

About a donor who is more focused on her own desire to give than on the needs of the recipient

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Reading and dreaming

About the world of books and independent learning out of choice, curiosity and interest

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There are children in society who don't even get to see a rainbow in their day

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An interview with horses

On the world view of the upper class, and on their attitude to others and to life

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A passenger's protest against the conduct of the Warsaw Railway Company

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To err is human and inevitable

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the stages of life

The pain of disillusionment with ideals

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Two calls

Everything is in the eye of the beholder

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מתוך: תפילתו של אמן

תפילתו של אמן המודע לצבעוניות אישיותו ועומקיה, ומודה עליהן לבורא

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Even a villain among villains longs to be justified for his most heinous deeds and is always comforted by the thought that in the wider world there are much greater villains than himself.

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