Israel reads Korczak is a reading project of Janusz Korczak's short stories.

The Korczak Educational Institute of Israel and the Polish Institute in Tel Aviv teamed up to bring Korczak's short stories to the Israeli public in the format of short videos, each presenting a short story written by Janusz Korczak.

In the days of the Covid-19 pandemia, while the public was called to maintain "social distancing", and ever since, this project aims to refresh values such as respect for others, responsibility, decency, honesty, tolerance, empathy, community relations and more, values that Janosz Korczak expressed in his writings and are so important and relevant Even with us, here and now.

Janusz Korczak, a.k.a. Dr. Henrik-Hirsch Goldschmidt, the humanist, democrat, pluralist, the pioneer in the fight for children's rights, wrote tirelessly. His many writings, which include short and long stories, articles, pedagogical texts, journalistic articles, humoresques, feuilletons and plays, were one of the tools he used to convey his messages and express his social and educational worldview,
which is still so relevant today.

Since the midst of the difficult pandemia days and on, over 90 men and women willingly joined this project. Without any compensation they devoted their time and talent and with good will filmed themselves in home conditions reading Korczak's texts, and made the videos available to the public. For this our deepest appreciation and thanks are given to all the readers and to all parties who chose to encourage and support the project and enable its production.

Special thanks to Lital Porat who came up with the idea from the start.
Thanks to Yigal Dekel who filmed many of the videos included on this site.
Thanks to Roni Dotan for his great contribution in promoting the project.