
Who is a happy person?

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A legend about a song

How music came into the world

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A legend about soda

It is not enough that the struggle is right, it should be directed towards the right goal

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Legend of our home

Embracing past memories in a changing world

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The legend of life

Unreasonable hatred and the bitter laughter of fate

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What is important in life - wealth or happiness?

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The personification of love, in the form of a young girl, comes to the human world to see with her own eyes how her fans, human beings, admire her. To her amazement she discovers a huge and painful gap between the ideal and reality

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Guest for a moment

In: How to love a child - boarding school

A variety of children's reactions to a stranger visiting their home

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Everyone wants to be happy, but what is happiness?

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One and only

About one moment of happiness

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After the trip

About content children and those who are never happy

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After Death (Fantasy)

The results of our actions are joy for generations or weeping for generations

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After the auction

Love and diligence overcome any difficulty

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After many years

Criticism of the conduct of upper class girls and their attitude towards their lower class members

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How God ran away from the church

In: St. Madmen

When people show respect to God, but their hearts are empty of faith and values

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How to take?

The face of bribery as an accepted social norm

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To the sun

Three paths lead to the sun - to light, to knowledge, wisdom and progress: The path of truth, the path of love and the path of beauty. Three figures walk to the sun, each followed by many people. Even though their paths meet, and even though the three of them are headed to the same place - they refuse to walk together. But still, the hope that one day they will join forces and walk together - remains.

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Don't be polite

A father whose life experience has taught him that society does not particularly value kindness and generosity, and he educates his son not to be polite

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do not interfere

Insights from an educator

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Eliezer De'er Glazer

Korczak's great grandfather who serves as a symbol of love for others, kindness and giving, while exercising discretion

Antosh the hunchback

On the upheavals of fate, self-confidence and self-belief in one's right to happiness

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Reading books as a basis for connecting people

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Antek escapes from the Count's estate

In: "Street children"

A street child explains to a philanthropist that donation and help are only useful when they meet the needs of the supported person and do not trample on his honor

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I beg your pardon, children

On coming to terms with reality and accepting the existing in love

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Ugly Anshel

From: The Camp Stories

Society's attitude towards others and its effect on them.

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At Mrs. Kiri-Sklodowska's

About superficiality and chauvinism

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عند النجار (at the carpenter's)

About the things that make a person happy

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Illusions - internal problems

The shattering of the illusion of freedom and independence that adults create in children undermines the teenagers' trust in society and in themselves

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Who does mom love

Conversation between a child and his hard-working mother, before bed time

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The loneliness of old age

Diary - Confession - Balance Sheet and Will. An old man's Introspection

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From: Bobo

(practical research)

On the wonder of the creation of life

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Is the neighbor's lawn really greener?

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Peer Tribunal

About the members' tribunal, its aims and importance

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A new school for girls

Chauvinism in the Itzla of feminism

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At the grocery store

A couple of honest merchants who, for livelihood reasons, are having a hard time as they unsuccessfully try to cheat their clients

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ברכת פרידה

Korczak's blessing to his adolescent trainees who are parting from the orphanage to become independent adults

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In: The five-year-old

How children's self-perception is formed

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An obedient son

n innocence and good faith

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A good craftsman

On the value of expertise and fairness

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In the open field

A world is , it is always the same. It is the person looking at it, who sees it different every time

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Gudjio and Rodgio

On the price of conformity

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A cotton wool garden

In: The stories of the camps

Instructions for growing seeds on a cotton swab

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Different ways to deal with a challenge

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The vase

Storm of emotions - about the tension between anger and revenge and fear and pangs of conscience

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Last in class

On hidden talent and self-fulfilling prophecy

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The bad man

On prejudices and their disastrous consequences

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The emancipatory

Social critique of the objectification of women and their status in society

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The truth is on its way

People tend to know the truth and even treat it politely and like it, but the paths of the truth and of humans do not always meet (save for Yair Garboz)

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The first visit

The power of a small act of kindness to affect an entire life

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The cabin

The cost of capitalization and secession

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She came to age

A critique of the woman's limited status in society and assumptions regarding the social expectations of women

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The reward

On internalizing exploitation, acquired suspicion and loss of self-esteem

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Firm opinions

On social desirability

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Fairness does not philosophize

A short story about fairness and the erosion of values in society

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the dream

In: When I'll be little again

An adult who expresses a desire to be a child again, and his wish comes true

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Be as you are

The relationship of the guide to the guided and to himself

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The first say at school

Reflections towards the first day of elementary school

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the first day

In: When I'll be little again

An adult who wanted to be a child again and his wish came true. Sums up his first day after becoming a child again.

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The armchair

The reward of honesty and trustworthiness

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The clown

The world as a circus - about what human beings are and what they could have been

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The teacher

A famous man, who remembered where he came from and who supported and believed in him in the beginning - keeps grace of youth to his old teacher.

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My fashionable coat

On the price of the lien to the fashion order.

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The scandalous trials

Sharp social criticism of society's attitude towards teachers

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The most beautiful gift

A value of esteem is measured the the purity of intention

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Prince Croc

From: In the summer camp

On responsibility, self-respect and children in the kingdom of poverty

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The city of Superxil

Work because he will reign - criticism of a society that sanctifies appearances

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Times change

The upheavals of fate and a recurring and unexpected encounter after years, between one of the sages of the class and the "fool" of the class

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theater play

From: "Street Children"

A message about life through allegorical figures

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Nurse Felicia's lie - كذبة الممرضة فيليسيا

About sensitivity, devotion and kindness in old age

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Glory, chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5 - "The Boy Who Swallows Books" - Vladek meets a friend who "swallows books" and through him gets to know the world of books and self-study. Chapter 6 - "Reading and Dreaming" - Olek takes Wladek to the library, where he meets the world and its fullness

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And what about mine?

About the encounter between the poor and the rich from the points of view of a child and of a poor cleaning worker

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Intergenerational connection and the chain of generations

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Memories from the previous war

The aousome power of the renewed life growing out of the ruins and horrors of war

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In: The stories of the camps

On different ways of dealing with the same task and with a variety of opinions

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Summer vacation

About curiosity, interest and for reading books as a vacation entertainment.

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New camper

No matter how much a person develops and changes, he will always keep carrying his past within him

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Knowledge and books - the rules of life

In order for children to acquire the skill of understanding between a good book and a bad one - they must be allowed to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes

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A waiter is a human being

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Jubilee of the deed

It is the responsibility of every person to advance the world in deeds, for oneself and for future generations

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A child in the family

In: How to love a child

Society must provide every child with the best conditions for development, no matter what background he comes from and what his chances are of reaching greatness.

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Pump sea

How the pump wheel and puddle of water that had accumulated next to it turned from a discipline problem into an exciting game

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Rules of life - boys-girls

In praise of diversity and multiplicity

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Louis Pasteur

How Louis Pasteur became a scientist and what was his great discovery

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Praiseד of patience and waiting

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When a good name is bought with money instead of credibility and proper behavior

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Bureaucracy "at its best"

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Why does my father shout?

fortune teller

About the misery of rich children who do not get the attention of their parents

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Why do I clear dishes

Personal example - living according to the values one is fighting to promote

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What is happening in the world I

An explanation to the children about the war (World War I) happening around them in particular, and wars and human behavior in general.

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What's his name?

On internal boundaries and self-discipline

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My smart thoughts

On the gap between the statement of intent and their realization

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A waiter is a human being

Social criticism of the society's attitude towards unprofessional employees

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The dollar act

From the book: "Little Jack"

Jack, a third grader, receives one dollar as a gift from his grandfather. This event invites a glimpse into the intricacies of Jack's family and a complicated system of considerations on how to drive the same dollar and what can be done with it

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Terribly funny

The chain of effects of rent increase

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The source of power

About the power of motherly love

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Pull, young man

If you know better do not criticize - get up and do

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What motivates a person to rescue others

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In: How to love a child

About the place of man in the global nature

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From: Lecture on History

Every person is important and valuable

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From: The child's right to dignity

A call to reverence for the child and his life experiences in a condescending, dismissive and belittling world of adults.

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We will shake the foundations of the land

About youth-dreams of fixing a world, and what happens to them in the encounter with the reality of life

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Talking papers

Certificates and letters carry life stories within them

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About small acts of kindness and the human need to contribute and benefit others

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The end of the world

When the women disappeared from the world

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The library as a nurturing and enriching social and cultural center

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new workers

Everyone deserves a chance to learn from their experience and prove themselves

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Court Gazette No. 1

On the courts and penalties and on the tribunal

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About the sparrows

What can be learned from observations about a band of sparrows

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About a young deer and a puppy

A story for young children about compassion, caring and friendship between people who differ

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On the sea shore

Home is part of the personal identity

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About Three sons (just a Legend )

On different manifestations of success and what is important in life

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Traces of a crime

The price a person pays for his crime

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The blossoming of the youth

The song of the awakening soul

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A former drunk tells his friend how he overcame his drinking addiction

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About racism and emotional harm that is profound than physical harm and leaves a scarred soul

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Evening concert

From: The stories of the summer camps (Yoseks, Shmols and Shrols)

About a wonderful and special harmony that children, who are different from each other, can create together in an enabling and respectful environment

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His handiwork to brag about

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Another approach to dealing with fights between children

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Summer camps

A charity-dependent donation-based enterprise may be eliminated at any time for no plausible reason

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New Year

About motivation for new beginnings versus a constant and ongoing commitment

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Pleasant and cheerful thoughts can improve a bad mood

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The doll's blanket

The mental account of an elderly widow, and all she desired is happiness for human beings

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Two sculptures

An idle debate about unfounded theories

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Casio's student

A young child teaches his adult neighbor to read

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The prayer of amazement

Admiration of the world and of being a part of it

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Prayer of joy

A private prayer of a happy person who is happy in part

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The prayer of a little man

A private prayer of a simple man confessing his weaknesses and petty sins

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The prayer of a boy

A private conversation-prayer of a boy conversing with his God on everyday matters

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The educator's prayer

A private prayer of an educator whose students' best interests are at the forefront of her concerns

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