Danny Kerman - Danny Kerman

Illustrator, satirist and designer. Illustrated about 500 books, including many well-known and beloved children's books. Initiated and published classical books in Hebrew, wrote and illustrated many books and travel guides. Illustrated in all major newspapers and won many awards.

Illustrator, satirist and designer. Illustrated about 500 books, including many well-known and beloved children's books. Initiated and published classical books in Hebrew, wrote and illustrated many books and travel guides. Illustrated in all major newspapers and won many awards.

אודות דני קרמן בויקיפדיה

הבלוג של דני קרמן

דף הפייסבוק של דני קרמן

סופרים קוראים

דני קרמן - פורטפוליו

ראיון ב"מעריב" עם דני קרמן

רשימת הספרים של דני קרמן באתר "כתר"